Thursday, April 3, 2014

Make Your New Office The Ideal Place To Work Everyday

Make Your New Workspace A Little Slice Of Heaven

wall water feature - the deep creek falls

The Deep Creek Wall Water Feature is perfect for any office space, priced at just $5,999 it is no wonder this magnificent piece is one the top selling large wall fountains on the market. Pin It

The Deep Creek Wall Water Feature is perfect for any office space, priced at just $5,999 it is no wonder this magnificent piece is one the top selling large wall fountains on the market.

Follow These Expert Design Tips To Create An Office Better Than Google’s

Moving into a new office building is an exciting time for any business owner. Whether you are moving into a small storefront establishment or a large commercial space, the way you decorate the space will greatly influence the success and energy of your workspace. Many times, people overlook the importance of designing the type of environment your clients, workers, and colleagues will enjoy coming to everyday. It is incredibly important that your staff feels energized, aware, and motivated while they are in the office. We will explore a few ways you can help create the ideal workplace for your employees so that your business can flourish to its fullest potential.

Feng-shui is the art of decorating a space with energy in mind. There are many defining principles which establish the basic foundations of this design technique. The two most vital ideas to this style are that every indoor space should replicate the harmony that exists in nature. When moving into a new work space it is important to remember this idea, as it will help you to maximize utility and morale. One of the most well-known and widely used techniques in feng-shui is to use water to create a tranquil and constantly energized environment. There are many ways to incorporate water into your design scheme however, we recommend you do so by installing a wall water feature in your new space. Hanging fountains are simple to use and install, priced competitively, and can be finished with a variety of materials and options. Many studies have shown that installing wall waterfalls in an office space can increase worker output by nearly 10%. The happier and more focused your employees are the more successful your business will become.

Another difficult choice you may encounter is how to incorporate unused space in your design plan. We all know that many workspaces are bland, boring, and can literally drive a worker to insanity. When setting up your new office, keep this in mind, and do not forget to think outside of the box. Interior design is an art and should be expressed creatively. Speak with your employees to discover how they feel about potential layouts and what they think might be a good use of space. There are no wrong answers, in fact, the more minds you have working on the issue the better. If you do decide to install a wall water fountain, you should take a poll amongst your co-workers to decide which style and materials they like the best. Giving them a voice will make them feel valued and increase the likelihood they give their tasks one hundred percent effort.

Moving into a new corporate space is a huge opportunity to create a new energy for your business. Let your employees help you during the process, give them a voice, and collectively you will create the perfect environment for success to proliferate. As the leader it is your job to make sure your team mates feel comfortable and enjoy the area they work in. You want to create a space the drives them towards their goals and makes them proud to be a member of your team. Making your employees feel appreciated is one of the best leadership moves you can make and will help create a cohesive atmosphere conducive to maximum production. Your team members will make or break the success of your endeavor so it is always critical to evaluate the way they feel and to give them the opportunity to help create they environment they have envisioned for themselves.

wall water feature - the deep creek falls

The Deep Creek Falls with Stainless Steel and Black Spider Marble – Modern Perfection at its Finest.

Office Wall Waterfalls – Make Your Space Spring To Life

Installing the optimal mountable water wall for an interior office space is a breeze, when you are aware of what to consider. This section will help you to make a firm decision on an ideal wall water fountain for your business office or workspace. The experts working with Water Feature Supply have the skills, expertise, and design capabilities to help you develop an incredibly peaceful interior setting. Create the perfect environment and you will be amazed as you watch your business and success grow. Environment is everything and without creating a balanced and peaceful workspace you will never expand to your fullest capabilities.

The interior design review board is going to pick wall water features as the best new addition to home design! Following a close race a consensus has been made that these pieces were the best. Given the many types, the determined panel settled on the selected winner due to the breathtaking inventory provided by Water Feature Supply. “The amount of diversity is mind-blowing, so many styles to choose from, ” said one judge. “They were hands down the best at what they did, ” added another.

The sight of an indoor water feature is impossible to imagined. Transport nature into your home, and never ever change your mind. An office is compatible for a mounted water wall, it should be noted that, hanging one is incredibly simple. With several options available online, determining the right one will be a breeze.

Positive Reviews For Water Feature Supply

“WFS is the only place I would ever consider buying an indoor fountain at again. My co-workers were so happy when we installed the fountain in our lounge area, it really has changed the office looks; I would recommend this company to anyone who is looking to add a fountain to their interior space. What I liked the most was speaking with the nice people at WFS and coming up with interesting ideas. I am already working on a new project and will be using WFS again to handle all the interior fountains. Five stars out of Five, these guys are good.”

– Micheal Cooper – San Antonio Designs

More Praise For WFS

“Water Feature Supply has the largest selection my assistant and I could find, and worked out a deal with us because we own our own small business. When my water feature arrived I was more than satisfied with the way it looked and operated; I have no regrets, everything about my experience was enjoyable. The most pleasant aspect of the process was installing the fountain and turning it on for the first time; can you say WOW!. I tell all my friends to check out their huge inventory of indoor and outdoor water walls. I give them a solid two thumbs up with extra points for speed and style.”

-Chantelle Mortiemar – In Style Studios

One Final Review For WFS

“Water Feature Supply is the best place, hands down, to purchase any indoor or outdoor waterfall feature. When my water feature arrived I was more than satisfied with the way it looked and operated; I would seriously refer any of my closest friends to work with this company. What I liked the most was installing the fountain and turning it on for the first time; can you say WOW!. When my friends ask me where I got my wall waterfall, I tell them without hesitation, Water Feature Supply. I have no choice but to highly recommend this professional firm.”

-Debbie Jonshonsn

Would you be excited to see this fountain in your office space?






5 out of 5 stars from 1 rating of The Deep Creek Falls Wall Water Feature

from WordPress

Make Your Bedroom A Hit...How to P.I.M.P. Out Your Interior Design.

This is where the magic happens....

Alright so you might not be a player, but if your crushing a lot you need to do it with style. We all know that just getting someone into your "love nest," is hard enough, so the last thing you want to do is spoil the moment with the god awful combination of untidiness and style-less decor that we call, rather generally, "the booty killer." So follow our lead and we will have your next big night looking larger than Big Pun himself, RIP.

Can You Guess What's Wrong With This Picture

This is what not getting laid looks like. First of all, if your room looks anything like the one pictured to the right, please stop reading this article immediately and CLEAN IT!!! Seriously there are so many things wrong with this picture we don't even know where to begin. Look closely and you will see that someone actually lives there, in fact, someone was actually sleeping at the time this photo was taken. Your bedroom should always be the cleanest room in the house, if you think about it, its the one room where we all spend most of our time. In many cultures the bedroom is the most sacred location in the home and remains off limits to even the most trusted guests. Your room should be a manifestation of yourself and if you are like us the last thing you would want is for someone to remember you the way you will remember the picture you just saw. Regardless of your current cleanliness level, you can benefit greatly from sticking to these simple principles.
  1. Your room should feel sacred. It should be the most comfortable room in the home and you should always feel safe here. Treat it with the respect you know it deserves and you will live in bliss for years to come.
  2. Keep your floor space as clean as the new Model S Tesla just came out with. Yeah we want one too, but in all reality its not difficult at all to keep your clothes on hanger or in the hamper.
  3. Women dig a guy with a clean room, and men love a woman with a clean home. Its nature, don't F#$# with it.

Color The Walls Something Beautiful

One of the most basic lessons you learn as you start working with interior design is the importance that wall color plays in the overall composition of the room. The largest space in any room is and always will be the wall space, its simple geometry. So with this in mind take advantage of the opportunity to make a bold, unyielding choice with your wall paint. Choose a color that you can live with, intimately and don't rush the process. Test a variety of similar colors from the same palette and be sure to account for the color of the furniture you plan on using.
Another great way to add some style to your bedroom is by simply adding an accent wall. An accent wall is technical a wall whose design differs from the design of the other walls in the room, but for the purposes of this discussion we will be speaking specifically about color. Notice how the accent wall in the photo to the right creates a beautiful contrast, opening the space and adding depth.
  • One way to paint an accent wall is to choose a color a couple of shades darker than the other walls. There are seven colors in the paint spectrum, but most paints are made up of multiple colors. For example, blue isn't just blue -- it usually has gray or green or yellow or red in it, which can make finding the right complement to the blue on your walls a real bear. You can find paint chips with a range of three to six shades in the same color family. This is a foolproof way to make sure you choose the right shade of gray-blue in a darker tone to complement your light gray-blue. If you really want to pack a punch, you can also choose a different, but complementary color all together.

Make Art, Not War

Art is one of the last rare, pure human expressions and the best thing about it is that almost any item qualifies as it. If you are as enthusiastic about these enhancements as us you can check out the full collection of hand painted wall water features here.
When Ron Burgundy said, "Stay Classy," he was talking about what you do in the bedroom. And being from the Whale's Vagina, we know what we are saying when we say you need to check out the amazing wall fountains pictured below. Keep in mind that these easy to install pieces are designed to hang on almost any wall and will run off of a standard 110 AC volt outlet. You will literally have your custom, hand made wall water feature up and running in minutes.
All of our art hanging water walls a great gift for any loved one! Just by themselves these stunning water fountains are a stylish way to decorate your wall. These water features are finished by hand... Totally Unique.... The art is hand painted on the rear side of the water feature face (does not contact water) so your piece always looks amazing...You can keep it forever.... Truly Amazing! These particular truly artistic fountains highlight the design and as you can tell this water feature looks great anywhere. Installation is a breeze, purchase yours today, and automatically get the natural luxury you have always dreamed of. There is never a better time than the present, give yourself the gift of peace and tranquility.

These will have your bedroom more active than a yoga class.

Click thumbnail to view full-size
Hand Painted Wall Water Feature priced at $1125Hand Painted Wall Water Feature priced at $1125Hand Painted Wall Water Feature priced at $1125Hand Painted Wall Water Feature priced at $1125Hand Painted Wall Water Feature priced at $1125Hand Painted Wall Water Feature priced at $1125Hand Painted Wall Water Feature priced at $1125Hand Painted Wall Water Feature priced at $1125Hand Painted Wall Water Feature priced at $1125Hand Painted Wall Water Feature priced at $1125Hand Painted Wall Water Feature priced at $1125Hand Painted Wall Water Feature priced at $1125Hand Painted Wall Water Feature priced at $1125Hand Painted Wall Water Feature priced at $1125Hand Painted Wall Water Feature priced at $1125Hand Painted Wall Water Feature priced at $1125Hand Painted Wall Water Feature priced at $1125Hand Painted Wall Water Feature priced at $1125
Hand Painted Wall Water Feature priced at $1125
Hand Painted Wall Water Feature priced at $1125
Source: Water Feature Supply

Harvey Gallery Fountains

Time To Be Honest

How would you rate your bedroom style? Be Honest.

  • Messy like Marve. I never clean and I don't ever want to
  • Sometimes its nice, sometimes its not. I am just too busy to be tidy all the time
  • On point, I keep my room shining like a diamond.
See results without voting

All Good Things Must End

Whether your a bedroom decorating O.G. or a complete newbie, we hope that this article has inspired you to make some changes domestically. Use some of the techniques outlined above and we are confident your entire attitude and persona will change. Nothing makes a person feel better than a clean, tranquil environment to lay their head in, so go ahead and make yours a palace. We know we will and until we meet again, keep it styling.

About The Author

This article was written by Patrick Maloy, an avid interior design specialist who enjoys sharing his passion for innovation with others. He is a talented entrepreneur who specializes in building, branding, and growing start-up e-commerce websites targeting niche related markets organically through the search engines. His passion for creating unique and unrivaled content is obvious as displayed throughout his many endeavors.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

BluWorld Fountain Sale For The Month Of April

We are proud to announce that all of our classic quarry and stone fountains, made by BluWorld, are now on sale for 20% off of the listed price you see on our site. You heard that right, you can now get any BluWorld Classic Quarry or Stone fountain for 20%. Call us at 1 (858) 876-7261 to learn more or visit us at Water Feature Supply.

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Custom Water Feature With Large World Map Logo